Important Questions Answers About Programming in
Q1. What do you know about High Level Language?
Ans: High level languages are closer to
human language. The main advantage of high level language over low level language
is that they are easier to read, write and maintain. Program in high level
language must be translated into machine Language by compiler or interpreter.
Example of High Level Language(C C++ Java
Pascal COBOL etc)
Q2:What is low level language(Assemble Language)?
Machine language is a low level programming language. Program in Assembly
Language are compiled by an assembler. Every assembler has its own Assembly language
which is designed for one specific computer architecture
Q3: What is function in C language?
Ans: Function is the combination or group
of statement that together
to perform a task. Every C program at
least one function which is called main ().
It has a name and it is reusable.
Q4: What is the main() Function?
Ans: When a program being running the
system calls the function main() which marks
the entry point of the program. Every
program must have one function named main().
Q5: Write a program that print the
void main(void)
printf("I LOVE PAKISTAN");
Q6: Why do not programming in done in
machine language?
Ans: Because of the binary nature and
almost infinite detail practically to programming is done in machine language.
Q7: What is Assembly Language?
Ans: An assembly language allows the
programmer to use all the computer feature through symbolic code and location
rather than machine codes and binary.
Q8: Why FORTAN was developed?
Ans: It was designed to write for Solving
and Engineering problems.
Q9: What does COBOL stand or?
And: COBOL stand for Common Business
Oriented Language.
A10: Who Invented C programming language
and when?
And: C language was developed by Dennis
Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in 1972.
Q11: What stands for IDE?
Ans: IDE stands for Integrated
Development Environment.
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