Tuesday 9 January 2018

What is Anecdotal Record?

What is Anecdotal Record?

An Anecdotal record is a running description of actual example of behavior of a student as observed by teacher and the counselor. It is followed by his comments.According to Browdin and Martin Anecdotal are descriptive accounts of episodes occurrences in the daily life of the student. Anecdotal record has been defined by Randall as a record of some significant item of conduct a records of an episode in the life a the student a word picture of the student of an episode in action, a word snapshot at the moment of the incident any narration of events in which the student takes such a part as to reveal something which may be significant about his personality.

Monday 8 January 2018

Important Questions Answers About Loop

Important Question Answer About Loop

Q1. Define a loop.
Ans: It is another fundamental idea in programming. It makes possible repeated execution of one or more statements as long as a condition is true.
Q2: How many essential elements to a loop?
Ans: There are two essential elements to a loop
Q3: What do you know about FOR LOOP?
Ans: It is primarily used for executing a statement or block of statements predetermined number of time. For loop has three expressions.
Q4: Write down the general form of the FOR statement.
Ans: General form of the for statement is
            For(expression 1; expression 2; expression 3)
Body of the loop

Q5: Write down the general form of the WHILE statement.
Ans: General form of the for statement is
Body of the loop
Q6: Write down the general form of the DO WHILE statement.
Ans: General form of the for statement is
Body of the loop
Q7:What is nested loop?

Ans: A loop within another loop is known as a nested loop.