Friday 5 January 2018

Fundamental of Programming Important Questions Answer

Fundamental of Programming Important Questions Answer

Q1. Define constant.
Ans: The quantities whose values do not change during the execution is known constant.
Q2: How many two types of constant?
Ans: Constant are two types (Numeric constant and character/string constant)
Q3: How many types of numeric constant?
Ans: Numeric constant are two types (1. Integer    2. Floating point numbers)
Q4: What are integers?
Ans: Integers represent values that are counted like the number of students in a class.
Q5: How many types of variable in “C”
Ans: (1) Integer variables (2) Floating point variables   (3) Character variables
Q6: How to declared Integer variable?
Ans: Integer variable declaration statement has the for( Example :  int add ;)
Q7: How many types of operator in “C” language?
Ans: There are five types of operator in “C” language.
Q8: Which arithmetic operator are used in”C”?
Ans: Five arithmetic operators are used in “C”
Symbol                                   Operation
+                                              Addition
_                                              Subtraction
*                                               Multiplication
/                                               Division
%                                             Modules (Remainder)
Q9: How many types of logical operator in “C”?
And: There are three main logical operator in “C”( !      &&   |)
A10: Write down the increment and decrement operator and their definition.
And: (-- Increment by 1                   ++ decrement by 1)
Q11: What is de debugging?
Ans: The process of detecting and correcting the error is called debugging
Q12: Define Syntax error
Ans: syntax error occur when the rules or grammar of the programming language is not followed and they are detected by the computer
Q13: Define Logical error

Ans: syntax error occur when the logic of the program is incorrect and they are difficult to find and remove since they are not detected by the compiler.

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